According to the most recent statistics available (2012)
About 400,000 children are in foster care in the US
Almost half (47%) were in non-relative foster homes; 28% were in kinship care
53% of children in foster care had the expressed goal of reunification; 24% had the goal of adoption
About half of kids discharged from foster care were reunited with their primary caregivers, 21% were adopted, and the remaining children had different outcomes (eg, emancipation or living with another relative)
The median time spent in foster care was just over one year-13.4 months. This is an increase from the median 11.9 months 10 years ago
Children can enter foster care at any time from birth to age 18. In 2012, the median age of a child in foster care was 8.5 years old
42% of children in foster care were white, 26% were black, 21% were Hispanic (of any race), and the remainder were another race, multiracial, or undetermined
There were slightly more boys in foster care than girls-52% vs 47%
Adults who had been in the child welfare system were more likely to experience heart disease, cancer, chronic lung disease, liver disease, and skeletal fractures
More than half of children in the foster care system were exposed to four or more adverse childhood experiences, including neglect, sexual abuse, and household substance abuse
Sources: Child Welfare Information Gateway (2013). Foster care statistics 2012. Washington, DC: US Department of Health and Human Services, Children's Bureau; Stambaugh LF et al, Adverse childhood experiences in NSCAW. OPRE Report #2013-26. Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families.
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