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In today’s podcast, we explore background knowledge, experiences, and misconceptions surrounding psychodynamic therapy and discuss how we define evidence for it with our guest, Dr. Jonathan Shedler.
Callous unemotional behaviors can be challenging to understand. Dr. Meghan Rose Donohue joins us today to help us unpack this topic. She is an instructor in psychiatry and works in the division of child and adolescent psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine.
Around 50% of people with ADHD suffer from other cognitive problems, and Richard Brown, MD, describes them: 1) Working memory 2) Slow processing speed and 3) Dyslexia.
New research brings clarity to the big ketamine questions. How does it compare to ECT and antipsychotics? How much of it is placebo? Which is more effective – ketamine or esketamine? How do you sustain the benefits? Does it work better with psychotherapy?
New research brings clarity to the big ketamine questions. How does it compare to ECT and antipsychotics? How much of it is placebo? Which is more effective – ketamine or esketamine? How do you sustain the benefits? Does it work better with psychotherapy?
There are many reasons why patients misuse medications. Today, Joseph Pierre shakes us out of our 1990s understanding of addiction and explains a new trend, misuse of uncontrolled medications like Bupropion, Quetiapine and the Gabapentinoids.