Smartphone Apps Benefit Memory and Quality of Life
Susan L. Siegfreid, MD. Dr. Siegfreid has no financial relationships with companies related to this material.
Susan L. Siegfreid, MD. Dr. Siegfreid has no financial relationships with companies related to this material.
Alice Flaherty, MD, PhD.
Neurologist, Massachusetts General Hospital; associate professor of neurology and psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, MA.
Dr. Flaherty has no financial relationships with companies related to this material.
Julia Cromwell, MD. Medical Director, Senior Adult Psychiatry Unit, Salem Hospital, Salem, MA.
Christianne Gonzalez Davidson, MD candidate 2024. Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA.
Timothy J. Legg, PhD, PsyD, MSN, MPA, MSc. Dr. Legg has no financial relationships with companies related to this material.
Maureen C. Nash, MD.
Medical Director, Providence ElderPlace PACE Oregon. Co-editor, Neurocognitive Behavioral Disorders: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Patient-Centered Care (Springer; 2019). All comments are Dr. Nash’s personal views and not those of any organization.
Dr. Nash has no financial relationships with companies related to this material.
Paul S. Appelbaum, MD
Dollard Professor of Psychiatry, Medicine, & Law; Director, Center for Law, Ethics, and Psychiatry, Columbia University, New York, NY. Co-author of Assessing Competence to Consent to Treatment (Oxford University Press; 1998).
Dr. Appelbaum has no financial relationships with companies related to this material.
Rehan Aziz, MD. Associate program director, geriatric psychiatry fellowship program, Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Neptune, NJ; associate professor of psychiatry and neurology, Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine, Nutley, NJ.
Dr. Aziz has no financial relationships with companies related to this material.
Ruth Palan Lopez, PhD, GNP, FAAN. Jacques Moore Endowed Professor of Gerontologic Nursing; Associate Dean for Research in the School of Nursing, MGH Institute of Health Professions, Boston, MA.
Dr. Lopez has no financial relationships with companies related to this material.Francisco Covino-Deaso, MSN, CNP, PMHNP-BC. Psychiatric nurse practitioner, Partial Program (PHP) at HRI Hospital, Brookline, MA.
Jennifer Holiman, MSN, CNP, PMHNP-BC. Psychiatric nurse practitioner, geriatric psychiatry outpatient program and geriatric psychiatry research program, McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA.
Mr. Covino-Deaso and Ms. Holiman have no financial relationships with companies related to this material.
Kathryn Kieran, MSN, PMHNP-BC. Ms. Kieran has no financial relationships with companies related to this material.
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