Social distancing on a psychiatric inpatient unit is not easy but it must be done. Here are some tips. It’s helpful to break these strategies out into four categories: visitors, patient/patient, staff/staff, and staff/patient.
Seven ways that psychotic depression differs from major depression, from physical signs to neurobiology. The treatment of psychotic depression differs as well, and the answer is not always an antipsychotic-antidepressant combination. A different kind of therapy can bring their remission rates to over 90%.Published On: 2/24/20Duration: 21 minutes, 9 secondsArticle Referenced: "An Answer...
With two medications approved for tardive dyskinesia, how do you choose between them? And how does anyone afford their $80-140,000 a year price tag? We'll walk you through the steps, and show you how to get these VMAT2 inhibitors approved by insurance. Date Published: 1/20/2020Duration: 23 minutes, 51 secondsArticle Referenced: "How...
Esketamine (Spravato) was approved in 2019 for treatment resistant depression, but the medicine quickly gathered controversy about its long-term safety. We interview Dr. Nolan Williams from Stanford University about these issues and where esketamine fits in our interventions for treatment resistant depression. Date Published: 1/13/2020 Duration: 12 minutes, 21 secondsTake...
When does everyday inattention cross the line into ADHD? Psychiatrist and psychotherapist Scott Shapiro shares his tips on recognizing the hidden symptoms of ADHD and his top behavioral interventions for the disorder.Date Published: 12/23/2019Duration: 11 minutes, 27 secondsRelated Areticles: "Adult-Onset ADHD " The Carlat Psychiatry Report, November 2019 Links: Take...
The CDC reports 48 deaths related to e-cigarette, or vaping, associated lung injury (EVALI) in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. There are 2,291 total EVALI cases. This data as of December 4, 2019.Vaping deaths have been reported for months, and only recently the CDC has...
Neuroticism is not in the DSM, but it's a common cause of anxiety and may predict thether a patient respond to an SSRI. We talk with Nassir Ghaemi and bring you practical insights into this personality trait. How to recognize it, how to treat it, and how to avoid over-treating...
It’s a bit of dogma that goes rarely challenged in inpatient psychiatry—patients can’t use smartphones. There are multiple reasons for this, ranging from privacy issues (patients might Instagram other patients), clinical issues (patients might isolate themselves and not go to groups), safety issues (they might break and use the screen...
Psychiatrist Shawn Christopher Shea shares his top tips on engaging patients in their medication treatment. Dr. Shea has been fine tuning the art of doctor-patient communications for over 30 years through best-selling texts on psychiatric interviewing and suicide assessment. His latest book, The Medication Interest Model, presents a unique model for talking...
Dealing with potentially violent patients is daunting, but we can play an effective role in assessing and reducing violence risk. This post from The Carlat Psychiatry Report links to some key resources.Risk Assessment Tools Classification of Violence Risk (COVR): available at Historical, Clinical, Risk Management (HCR-20): available at Psychopathy...
The transition to college can be challenging for any adolescent, but when an adolescent has psychological conditions, or they're dealing with other mental health concerns, it is...